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Most nbextensions here should work fine with jupyterhub (because jupyterhub spawns regular notebook servers for each individual user), but won't work with jupyterlab (because the jupyterlab javascript framework is different to notebook's, and still rapidly changing under active development). See also installing Jupyter Most of the nbextensions are stored in the repository each as a separate subdirectory of src/jupyter_contrib_nbextensions/nbextensions. Each notebook extension typically has its own directory named after the extension, containing: thisextension/ - javascript implementing the nbextension thisextension/ - file describing the nbextension to the jupyter_nbextensions_configurator server extension thisextension/ - optional CSS file, which may be loaded by the javascript thisextension/ - readme file describing the nbextension in markdown format A few (jupyter_highlight_selected_word, jupyter_latex_envs), exist as separate packages on pypi, which are included as dependencies of this package.

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