Zong Balance Share To Jazz

The Mobilink Jazz Customers can share balance to each other. If you are a part of Mobilink Jazz network, you can share the balance to any Jazz sim used by your friend, family, relatives or any other. There is no any time limit for sharing balance. So, one can share balance to anyone, anytime. You can share any amount of balance ranging from Rs. 15 to Rs. 500. It is very easy to share balance with Jazz. Procedure is given below: How to Share Balance in Jazz: At standby position (main screen) of your mobile phone, write the following: *100* *# You will receive a confirmation message. Reply to this confirmation message with "1". Note: The Number of Recipient (Receiver) should must be written with prefix 92, i. e., number should start with 92. Example: *100*923001234567*50# Each time you share the balance, you will be charged Rs. 3. 99 + tax.

How to check internet balance in zong

Zong Yaari Load brings to you the facility of Balance Transfer as well as Balance Request. Balance Transfer offers users the convenience to transfer balance to their loved ones at the time of need Balance Request helps customers in case of emergency by giving them the facility to request balance from their friends and family at any point of time Service Mechanics: Dial *828# for Balance Transfer Dial *829# for Balance Request Mechanics: This service is only for prepaid customer. (Receiver and sender both). Minimum transferable amount: Rs. 10/-. Maximum transferable amount: Rs. 200/-. Customer must have Rs. 5/- minimum remaining balance in his account after Yaari Load. Facility not available for Dealer/Employee/Franchise/Dealer & Franchise families tariffs & Service tariff package. Customer can make 5 transactions per day. Non Transferable balance Transferable Balance FAT- built in balance/ Hand Set Balance Voucher Card Built in Balance of Golden/BYN numbers. Zong Load - E Pin Auto Load/Loan Already Shared Balance Promotion amount, redeemed Balance & reimbursed balance Online Recharge Price PKR 5 Recharge Required - PKR 5.

Zong balance share to jazz music

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