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"Awareness of each individual is the key to gaining peace of mind, and this book is designed to help you connect with your true self. " Hiromasa Emoto President of Office Masaru Emoto, LLC, and President of I. H. M. Co., Ltd 'Awareness is the beginning' HADO: A Powerful tool for self-awareness December 2020 from Lime Books When you are aware of every matter is energy as Max Planck's logic, you will be surprised how HADO (energy) resonance untangled complex of the human mind. When you are aware of every matter is energy as Max Planck's logic, you will be surprised how HADO (energy) resonance untangled complex of the human mind. Special offer to the reader! * You receive a free Email guidance and a 45-minute video / phone session. "Applying this book theory into your professional modality" will be the advantage to your clients. To access this special offer, please scan QR code on the back of the book. Praise for Awareness is the beginning "Asami is a certified Hado Instructor who learned Dr. Masaru Emoto's philosophy and she has written the essence of it in her new book.

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Presentation on theme: "By Masti Venkatesha Iyengar"— Presentation transcript: 1 By Masti Venkatesha Iyengar RANGA'S MARRIAGE By Masti Venkatesha Iyengar 2 Ranga hails from Hosahalli, a village in Mysore Ranga hails from Hosahalli, a village in Mysore. Like many other cultural aspects artistically portrayed by the author the custom of child marriage too is typical to this village. 3 Ten years ago when the village accountant sent his son Ranga to Bangalore for studies, the situation in the village was different. People never used to use English words while talking in Kannada, their mother tongue. But now they do it with an abominable pride 4 People are so fond of the foreign language and education that Ranga's homecoming is made a big affair. People crowd around his house to see if he has changed. They return home on finding no significant change in him. The narrator is particularly happy to find the boy still quite cultured as he respectfully does 'namaskara'. The narrator spontaneously blesses him saying 'May you get married soon. '

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CADENA: Eslabones = nivel trófico Dentro de un ecosistema los organismos que obtienen energía de una fuente común constituyen un nivel trófico o alimentario 7 PRODUCTORES FOTOSINTESIS GENERAN SU PROPIO ALIMENTO Captan la Energía Solar y la transforman en energía química. También utilizan CO2 y agua y minerales del suelo. Ecosistemas Terrestres: Plantas Ecosistemas Acuáticos: algas, fitoplancton 8 CONSUMIDORES Organismos que consumen otro ser vivo. Herbívoros Carnívoros Omnívoros Primarios, secundarios, terciarios, etc. Ecosistemas Terrestres y Acuáticos: animales 9 Ejemplos: ECOSISTEMA TERRESTRE ECOSISTEMA ACUÁTICO 10 DESCOMPONEDORES Consumen materia orgánica muerta o desechos de otros seres vivos Detritívoros Ecosistemas: Hongos y bacterias PRODUCTORCONSUMIDOR 1°CONSUMIDOR 2°CONSUMIDOR3°DESCOMPONEDOR 11 Representación de un Ecosistema LA MATERIA SE RECICLA, PERO LA ENERGIA SE VA PERDIENDO EN CADA ESLABON. DEBE SER REINCORPORADA CONSTANTEMENTE 12 Intraespecíficas Competencia Familiar Estatus social Interespecíficas Otras relaciones entre seres vivos de un mismo ecosistema Intraespecíficas Competencia Familiar Estatus social Interespecíficas Competencia Predación Parasitismo Mutualismo Simbiosis

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