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Kelly Weaver was the spokesperson for the FutureTech Corporation, who frequently addressed the public regarding their concerns over FutureTech's research during The Uprising. Contents 1 Background 2 Biography 3 Commander's Challenge 4 Behind the Scenes Background As the Head of Corporate Communications for FutureTech Corporation, Ms. Weaver is the ubiquitous voice of one of the world's leading private defense firms. Due to the proprietary nature of the firm's research and the highly-sensitive details of its contract with the Allies' military, she approaches her public-speaking responsibilities with utmost seriousness. Biography Weaver took part in a press conference where she assured the news networks about FutureTech's actions after a number of reports came in about illegal experiments being conducted by the company. During the interview, she commented that there was controversy over the Chronosphere technology too when it was first developed, and noted that it was normal for fear to be associated with change.

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(redireccionado de aprendices) También se encuentra en: Sinónimos. aprendiz, a 1. s. Persona que aprende algún arte u oficio. 2. OFICIOS Y PROFESIONES Persona que trabaja para su empresario o patrono con retribución o sin ella a cambio de que se le enseñe un oficio. meritorio Gran Diccionario de la Lengua Española © 2016 Larousse Editorial, S. L. aprendiz, -za m. f. Diccionario Enciclopédico Vox 1.

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