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Then the bird again says, "Nevermore. " Startled, the narrator says that the raven must have learned this word from some unfortunate owner whose ill luck caused him to repeat the word frequently. Smiling, the narrator sits in front of the ominous raven to ponder about the meaning of its word. The raven continues to stare at him, as the narrator sits in the chair that Lenore will never again occupy. He then feels that angels have approached, and angrily calls the raven an evil prophet. He asks if there is respite in Gilead and if he will again see Lenore in Heaven, but the raven only responds, "Nevermore. " In a fury, the narrator demands that the raven go back into the night and leave him alone again, but the raven says, "Nevermore, " and it does not leave the bust of Pallas. The narrator feels that his soul will "nevermore" leave the raven's shadow. Analysis: " The Raven " is the most famous of Poe's poems, notable for its melodic and dramatic qualities. The meter of the poem is mostly trochaic octameter, with eight stressed-unstressed two-syllable feet per lines.

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