Truco Comida Age Of Empires 2

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Trucos Age of Empires II.doc

Truco comida age of empires 2 cheat code

" Used to create and improve Monks. Garrisoned relics generate gold. " — Age of Empires II description The Monastery is a special building in Age of Empires II that becomes available once the Castle Age is reached. It trains and improves Monks and Missionaries. Relics can be garrisoned in Monasteries to produce gold. Monasteries cannot be converted. Tactics and placement [ edit | edit source] Monasteries serve as a Monk production and upgrade building. If the player is intending to use their Monks for offensive purposes like a Mush (Monk rush) they must have at least three (preferably four) Monasteries since the production of Monks is slow and the unit itself has slow movement. Also, technologies must be researched at the same time, first of all Sanctity and Fervor. If not going for monk rush, it is rare to build more than 1 Monastery. Some technologies in the Monastery also help against enemy Monks or are supportive for troops ( Faith, Heresy, and Herbal Medicine) so it is advisable to also have a Monastery even if the player does not make use of Monks.

Monasteries also have economic relevance. Each Monastery can hold 10 Relics, constantly producing gold with each one garrisoned. Especially in games with no teams Relics become important in the late game, as they are usually the only way left to get gold at all. Often, the player holding the most Relics wins a long game. Lastly, Monasteries can be of key importance in any game with standard victory condition. If a team holds all Relics in their Monasteries, a counter starts to count down from 200 years, similar to when a Wonder is built. If the enemy team (or teams) fails to ungarrison at least one Relic before the counter reaches zero, the game is won. If a team goes for a Relic win, it is advised to garrison all Relics in a single Monastery and massively defend that Monastery with defensive structures and heavy units, preferably ranged units, heavy cavalry, and siege equipment. In any case the defenses should be built before the last Relic is garrisoned. Ideally, the opposing team does not even notice the effort and is left surprised.

Truco comida age of empires 2 cheats

The Western European Monastery has a distinct Gothic style, similar to Cistercian abbeys like Aberconwy, Medmenham, and Fountains Abbey in Britain. The Central European Monastery has some Romanesque traits and is almost identical to Gelati Monastery in Georgia. The Middle Eastern Monastery has traits of late Egyptian Mamluk architecture. The dome resembles the one found on the Qaytbay mosque in Cairo. The mosque's entrance however is a trait commonly seen on Timurid mosques in Central Asia. The East Asian Monastery is a generic Japanese shrine combining elements from both Shinto shrines ( Torii gate) and Japanese Buddhist temples ( Bonshō bell). The Native American Monastery is a short Mesoamerican pyramid similar to the Temple of the Sun in Palenque. In the HD Edition, the Eastern European Monastery is mostly just a copy of the Central European one, but with some features based from the church of Akos and St. John's Church in Malbork. The Definitive Edition 's Eastern European Monastery is based on Eastern Orthodox churches instead.

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