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Aquí la fórmula se reduce a PE=CF/Mg, donde Mg es el margen de contribución. Si el margen de contribución del producto es el 30% de su valor (se compra a 70 euros y se vende a 100 euros), y los costos fijos son de 5. 000 euros, el punto de equilibrio se obtiene de esta sencilla manera: PE=5. 000/0, 3: es decir, cuando se alcanza la venta de 16. 667 euros (o 167 unidades), se ha llegado al Punto de Equilibrio. De acuerdo a este ejemplo, y a como consideremos la información, podemos calcular el punto de equilibrio en volumen de ventas, o el punto de equilibrio en términos de valor, o el punto de equilibrio para proyectos de largo plazo. Sin embargo, más allá de estas consideraciones, hay un aspecto que, como en toda actividad económica, tiene particular relevancia: el factor tiempo. Si en el eje de las absisas (Volumen de ventas) consideramos el factor Tiempo, podemos ver que la realidad de un negocio es muy diferente dependiendo del momento en que llegue al punto de equilibrio. En el caso del ejemplo, este punto se alcanza cuando se venden 167 unidades.


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2 TOP RATED anonymous Aug 13th, 2014 8:11am The whole theme through the song is that the person telling the story is done being cut down by people's words and actions. "You shout it out, but I can't hear a word you say" It's not that the narrator is saying he can't hear, he has become so used to the things said about him that he has grown numb to the insults and the pain. he has realized now, probably growing older, that he has nothing more to fear. "Sticks and stones may break my bones". That the voices that once tore him down can't hurt him anymore. Since he has realized that he is no longer able to be hurt by their words, it becomes clear to him that he is in a way invincible. From a writer's standpoint I don't think that he's actually claiming some sort of supernatural power. I actually think of the ending is much more sad than cause even though he may be bulletproof I think that he's only bulletproof because he's been beaten so much that he has built a resistance to the pain that once haunted him.