The Tao Speaks

For a complete list of the features of the "enhanced" version of Grand Theft Auto V, please see here. By 2019, Tao's uncle is now the head of the family, but still has Tao representing the Triad in Los Santos. The family renovates and opens The Diamond Casino & Resort, taking on debt from Avery Duggan in the process. Tao is officially the owner of the casino, although he does none of the actual management, including a bitter conflict with the Duggan family, which now wants to purchase the casino. On a trip to Sandy Shores to purchase meth (from a dealer highly implied to be Trevor), he is kidnapped by The Lost MC, but shortly rescued by the GTA Online Protagonist, who has become involved in the casino. While the conflict with the Duggans continue, Tao retains Brucie Kibbutz as a personal trainer, and begins a regime of high-pace exercises and bull shark testosterone. The supplements make him aggressive and, during a face to face meeting with Avery to discuss the casino, Avery's insults anger Cheng enough to pull a gun on the other man, officially triggering a violent conflict between the Chengs and the Duggan Crime Family.

The tao speak your mind

- Opening line of The Book of the Way of Virtue The Old Man Reborn Some 2, 500 years after he lived, Laozi inspired a dance in Shen Yun's 2017 program: Bestowing the Tao. And I was assigned the role of the great sage. How do you prepare for, let alone do justice to, such a historical, even sacred role? I dove deep into his ancient work, decoding the original Chinese text (that's the beauty of the language —that it is the same words used today), and exploring multiple English translations. By immersing myself in his words, I could begin to immerse myself in his character, and discovered all the "unspoken lines" that I needed for my dance role. What are "unspoken lines? " As the great sage himself said, "One who knows does not speak. One who speaks does not know. " Unspoken lines (潛台詞 qián tái cí) are like a subtext. They are mental cues that assist the silent actor—the dancer—to communicate more clearly during narrative sections, to emote better through dance, and to expressively speak through body movement.

The Tao Speaks (June 20, 1995 edition) | Open Library

The tao speaks by tsai chih chung

The tao speaks his mind

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