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What if the professor is wrong, or what if the student disagrees with the professor on a fundamental ideology in their lecture? Well, the student just has to sit down and take it; sometimes, the student will even be forced to agree with the lecture if they want a passing grade. If the lecture is on a sensitive topic, over which there is much conflicting discourse, you can imagine the problems this might cause. Passive: Not only do people see the lecture method as a biased, one-way road, but they also see it as a wholly passive experience for students. This isn't just harmful because of the ways we described above. Not being actively engaged in a discussion over certain material can make the material itself seem worthless to a student. After all, the point of an education isn't to be programmed to think a certain way, according to your instructor's lectures, but to critically analyze the information being provided and learn how to apply it in different contexts. If a student has no place to opportunity the course material with the person delivering the lecture, they will receive only a shallow understanding of the subject being discussed.

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Ugly Americans es una serie de televisión de animación estadounidense realizada por David M. Stern y creado por Devin Clark.

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